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Did Joe Rogan actually endorse this company's IV drip?

During a recent episode of his popular podcast, “The Joe Rogan Experience,” Rogan touted the benefits of IV vitamin drips, calling the infusions a “game changer” if you’re feeling sick or rundown.

IV therapy company NutriDrip, which has clinics in Las Vegas and New York City, was quick to capitalize on the podcaster’s comments with an Instagram post showing Rogan next to its NutrImmunity IV Drip.

While some people seeing this post might think Rogan specifically endorsed NutriDrip, that doesn’t seem to be the case. NutriDrip isn’t one of the show’s sponsors, according to an unofficial list. Rogan did not respond to a request for comment.

The misleading post comes amid increased scrutiny of NutriDrip’s marketing by the National Advertising Division, which recently challenged the company’s claims that its NutrImmunity IV drip boosts immune defenses and shortens the length of colds.

In response to the self-regulatory body’s inquiry, NutriDrip informed NAD that it had discontinued or modified the claims at issue, prompting NAD to close the case. Unfortunately, it appears NutriDrip wasn’t being genuine about its efforts.

One month after NAD closed its inquiry, NutriDrip continues to claim its NutrImmunity “is perfect for those who need a quick turnaround or boost to their immune defenses” and can even “prevent or shorten the length of a cold by keeping your immune defenses strong,” which is the type of health claim that the FDA has cited in warning letters to companies in the past. reached out to NutriDrip for comment on both the Instagram post featuring Rogan and the NAD inquiry. The company did not respond.

Of note

This is not the first time has found an IV therapy company potentially misleading consumers. In 2020, a investigation revealed IV drip clinics around the country deceptively advertising their products as able to prevent and treat COVID-19.

Find more of our coverage on products making health and wellness claims here.

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