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The Biblical Money Code

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The Biblical Money Code

Imagine if you had a secret code for making money.

So says an infomercial for “The Biblical Money Code.” You may have seen the same program promoted all over the Internet in ads such as this:

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Or this:


What is the Biblical Money Code? If you watch the video, you’ll learn that the Biblical Money Code is apparently a handful of New Testament quotes used to support a conservative investing strategy. That’s it. No hidden codex here. Sean Hyman, the pastor pitching this code, is really pitching his financial advice newsletter “The Ultimate Wealth Report,” which you can subscribe to for $47. The secret Bible-code stuff seems like a hook to get your attention.

So while the ads seem to indicate you can get 1000% returns using the Biblical Money Code, it’s far more likely you’ll just get some common-sense investing tips and a $47 newsletter.

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