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Best Buy’s Epson Ink Cartridges

Reader says printer ink cartridge description led him astray.

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Best Buy’s Epson Ink Cartridges

epson ink cartridges on best buy website
The Epson ink cartridges on


The thought of replacing your printer’s ink cartridges probably has a spot in your subconscious somewhere between dusting your ceiling fans and filing your federal tax return. But you can’t print without ink so why not try and get the most out of your cartridges?

That’s what one reader was thinking when he ordered from the Best Buy website what he thought was a four-pack of Epson 200XL ink cartridges (the “XL” indicating high capacity cartridges, which Epson says yield about 2.5 times more prints than standard cartridges). But that’s not what was delivered.

“What I received was one black 200XL high capacity cartridge and three (cyan, magenta and yellow) standard capacity cartridges,” the reader wrote to

While the image of the cartridges on the Best Buy website indicates that only the black ink cartridge is high capacity, the reader said he put more stock in the description. Under “What’s Included,” for example, it says, “200XL 4-Pack High-Yield Ink Cartridges.”

After bringing the issue to Best Buy, the reader said he was refunded some of the $51.99 he spent on the cartridges. He said Best Buy agreed that parts of the website were misleading and promised to make changes. Two months later, though, everything remains the same.

Find more of our coverage on printers here.

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