Ad Alert

ASPIRE Sport Drinks

NAD pursues action against sport drinks company, ASPIRE, for all natural claims.

Two Minnesota hockey dads said they wanted their children to have a healthier alternative to other sports drinks on the market, such as Gatorade. But now the men are facing a possible FTC review after Gatorade challenged the advertising claims of their company, Aspire Beverage Company (ASPIRE).

The challenged claims include:

  • ASPIRE is the “clear choice for … health, and better performance.”
  • “ASPIRE Beverage Company makes natural sports drinks designed to improve the health and performance of athletes.”
  • ASPIRE is “all natural.”
  • The antioxidants in ASPIRE make “…it easier to fight colds, flu, and infections.”
  • “ASPIRE contains beneficial electrolytes, vitamins and minerals.”
  • Gatorade supplies “empty calories.”
  • Gatorade provides “extra sugar.

With additives such as vitamins and citric acid in ASPIRE drinks, NAD, an advertising self-regulatory board, found that it “has not supported its ‘natural sports drink’ claim and recommended that the claim be discontinued.

The company, which charges $29.99 for an 18-bottle pack compared with Gatorade’s 18-pack at $8.68, did not agree completely with NAD’s decision. It responded that it is “confident in our ability to continue making this claim and that our ‘natural’ claim is truthful and supported.”

Since ASPIRE did not agree to comply with NAD’s decision, its marketing was referred to the FTC.

For more on beverage claims, click here.

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