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ADT: ‘Helped Save More Lives Than Any Other Home Security Brand’

It's safe to say this ad makes some misleading claims.

Ad Alert

ADT: ‘Helped Save More Lives Than Any Other Home Security Brand’

There are a couple reasons why we’re not fans of the ADT commercial above.

First, it contains the phrase “Hey, Google,” which might set off any Google-connected devices in your vicinity if you listen to the ad without headphones, which is annoying. Second, ADT claims in the ad that it has “helped save more lives than any other home security brand.” Even if this statement is true, it’s misleading.

ADT may have helped save more lives than any other home security brand by virtue of the simple fact that it has been around longer than any other home security brand.

ADT was founded in 1874. By contrast, the video doorbell company Ring, which is now owned by Amazon, only launched in 2012. But just because a company has been around for almost 150 years doesn’t mean the products it offers today are any better than those of its competitors. That is true in any industry.

It’s also unclear how ADT defines a life-saving event. Are they limited to the types of events described in a section of its website called “ADT LifeSaver Stories,” which includes fires, carbon monoxide poisonings and break-ins? Or does ADT cast a wider net? Exactly how many lives has ADT saved?

Last year, found Life Alert using questionable criteria to boost the number of lives it claims its medical alert system saves (one every 11 minutes).

In a request for comment for this article, asked ADT for the criteria it uses to determine whether its products helped save a customer’s life. In other words, what has to happen for ADT to consider an event life-saving? We have yet to hear back.

The bottom line? The best home security brand depends on your specific needs. As always, do your homework and compare products before making a purchase.

Find more of our coverage on ADT here.

Our Ad Alerts are not just about false and deceptive marketing issues, but may also be about ads that, although not necessarily deceptive, should be viewed with caution. Ad Alerts can also be about single issues and may not include a comprehensive list of all marketing issues relating to the brand discussed.

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