Poland Spring ORIGIN
Poland Spring charges consumers a premium for its ORIGIN water. What are they getting in return?
Don't let the URL fool you; the vast majority of these personal care products are not certified organic.
UPDATE 7/13/18: After the publication of the following ad alert, a spokesperson said in an email that acureorganics.com is supposed to redirect to acure.com, and the company is working to fix the problem. The spokesperson explained that acureorganics.com was acquired when the majority of products were in fact certified organic and when acure.com was unavailable. The spokesperson added that the brand name is Acure and not Acure Organics, even if some resellers like Birchbox had yet to figure that out. Following TINA.org’s inquiry, Birchbox dropped “Organics” from the brand name.
If you look closely at the six personal care products on the Acure Organics homepage — acureorganics.com — you’ll notice that only one has the “USDA Organic” logo on it. (If you need some assistance, it’s the second one from the left.) This appears to be no accident as a TINA.org review of the 58 skin, body, and hair products listed for sale on the site found only nine, or 17 percent, carrying the USDA-certified organic logo — roughly the same paltry percentage of organic products as represented on the homepage.
Now, you might be wondering: How can a company with organics in its name sell so few organic products? We asked Acure Organics (see, it’s right there in the name) and while we have yet to receive a response, we have already spotted some changes to the company’s marketing. This includes the removal of language on the bottom of the homepage that had touted the company’s commitment to “the highest quality natural and certified organic personal care,” and the apparent deletion of an Acure Organics Facebook page that had amassed more than 240,000 combined likes and followers.
TINA.org looked into the Acure Organics site after receiving a tip from a reader who said the company appeared to be moving away from the use of organic ingredients in one of its shampoos. The company’s products, which range in price from $5.99 for a face mask to $22.99 for a vegetable peel, are also sold through a number of online retailers and can be purchased in stores such as Target and Whole Foods.
Find more of our coverage on organic claims here.
Our Ad Alerts are not just about false and deceptive marketing issues, but may also be about ads that, although not necessarily deceptive, should be viewed with caution. Ad Alerts can also be about single issues and may not include a comprehensive list of all marketing issues relating to the brand discussed.
Poland Spring charges consumers a premium for its ORIGIN water. What are they getting in return?
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