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Sturdy Claims for Jogging Stroller Questioned

Reader submits stroller story.

Ad Alert

Sturdy Claims for Jogging Stroller Questioned

The advertisement for the Schwinn Turismo Swivel Double Jogger on says it is “smooth, sturdy, stylish” and that its lightweight aluminum frame with extra-thick tires delivers a “smooth ride.” Toys R Us says its rear suspension system and its 12-inch front and 16-inch rear extra-thick pneumatic tires with aluminum rims provide “optimum performance.”

But reader Sue C. said the stroller was anything but sturdy when her son took his 22-month-old twins for a recent ride. The front wheels of the stroller collapsed, sending her grandchildren crashing to the pavement. In an effort to avoid landing on the twins after the stroller flipped over, her son threw himself to the side and fell, sustaining a concussion. The twins were both bruised, she said. Sue reported the issue to the Consumer Product Safety Commission asking them to recall the product.

She is not the only one to tell of problems with the stroller. Several reviewers on reported similar issues with it. A reviewer named N.R.Danilow described what happened when her husband took her kids for a walk in the jogger.

He started doing a light jog on flat even pavement and pushed the convenient button to lock the front wheel. The front wheel shook turned sideways and bent inward. The stroller folded in on my kids and sent them flying onto the pavement and my husband over the handle bar.

Advertising may promise one thing, but check reviews as well for crucial details about a product.

Our Ad Alerts are not just about false and deceptive marketing issues, but may also be about ads that, although not necessarily deceptive, should be viewed with caution. Ad Alerts can also be about single issues and may not include a comprehensive list of all marketing issues relating to the brand discussed.

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