Hands Off My Halos: IRS
Revenge is Sweet
In December 2015, a class-action lawsuit was filed against SneakPeek for allegedly deceptively marketing SneakPeek Early Gender Test as having the ability to scientifically determine the gender of an unborn baby (before a sonogram is able to do so) with 99% accuracy when, in reality, the product does not work as advertised and the results are closer to 60% accurate. (Main et al v. Gateway Genomics, LLC dba SneakPeek and Does 1-20, Case No. 15-cv-2945, S. D. CA.)
Revenge is Sweet
This company may need to cleanse its marketing tactics.
A closer look at what we’ll be monitoring in the new year.
Looking back at our accomplishments.
How this rental car company uses subterfuge to get you to pay for something you may not need.