Food Labeling – Meaningless Terminology Consumer News Food Labeling – Meaningless Terminology Consumer advocates agree better nutrition labels are needed.
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Companies Accused of Greenwashing Consumer News Companies Accused of Greenwashing When companies green it, they better mean it.
Dry Farm Wines Ad Alert Dry Farm Wines Drinking low alcohol wines to avoid a hangover? Here’s why that doesn’t work.
Spirit Airlines Prices Class Action Spirit Airlines Prices Allegations: Misleadingly representing that it is a “low-cost, low-fare airline” offering affordable travel
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Bud Light Lime-A-Rita Class Action Bud Light Lime-A-Rita April 2017: Plaintiffs’ petition for en banc review was denied. March 2017: The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed the District Court’s decision to dismiss the lawsuit. The appellate court…
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Coca-Cola Ads Eager to Sweeten Your View Consumer News Coca-Cola Ads Eager to Sweeten Your View Ad campaign seeks to defend diet soda.
The Franklin Prosperity Report Ad Alert The Franklin Prosperity Report Newsmax Media, a website that claims to be a news site, sells newsletter subscriptions and is currently pitching the Franklin Prosperity Report as a way to get “Free Stuff and…
FTC Runs False Car Ads off Road Consumer News FTC Runs False Car Ads off Road Can you spot what’s wrong with these ads?
The High Cost of Ad Alert The High Cost of Everyone wants to travel cheaply. But be wary of travel sites advertising extraordinarily low prices.
Atkins Nutritionals “Net Carbs” Claims Class Action Atkins Nutritionals “Net Carbs” Claims Allegations: Falsely marketing products as having low net carbs
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Frito-Lay’s Pretzels Class Action Frito-Lay’s Pretzels September 2014: This action was voluntarily dismissed, the reasons for which have not been disclosed. August 2014: A federal judge granted in part and denied in part Frito-Lay’s motion to…
Verde Energy Class Action Verde Energy Allegations: Falsely promising low teaser rates followed by variable rates that are based on market conditions when the variable rate is not based on market conditions and is inflated
What You Should Know about iMarketsLive Consumer News What You Should Know about iMarketsLive Questionable leaders and international bans are just the tip of the iceberg for this forex trading MLM.
Verde Energy Prices Class Action Verde Energy Prices Allegations: Misleadingly offering “low cost” and “competitive” rates when the variable rates charged by the electricity supplier after the initial teaser rate expires are not tied to the market price…
Gold Peak Slightly Sweet Teas Class Action Gold Peak Slightly Sweet Teas Allegations: Misleadingly marketing teas as low in sugar when they are actually high in sugar