Between June and November 2017, investigated every company on the November 29, 2017 Direct Selling Association (DSA) membership list and found that more than 97 percent have made or are making – either directly or through their distributors – false and unsubstantiated income claims to promote the companies’ business opportunity. (Read more about’s investigation of misleading income claims here.)

Below is a sampling of’s findings for Primerica. This company was notified of’s findings in December 2017.

In 2020, found additional misleading income claims regarding the Primerica business opportunity. Those findings are listed below’s original 2017 findings. audited these findings in June 2020. Any URLs or inappropriate income claims that had been taken down as of that time are shown below in gray.

2020 Collection

Andys Arias IG 05_06_20
April Bonner IG 05_20_20
April Bonner IG 10_26_19
Ash Makanvand IG 02_19_20
Ash Makanvand IG 04_03_20
Britney Temple IG 05_03_20 i, ii
Building-Leaders site About Us
Building-Leaders site Home (png)
Building-Leaders site New Recruit Process Videos – Get Your Partner Involved (png)*
Building-Leaders site New Recruit Process Videos – Keys to Winning (png)*
Building-Leaders site New Recruit Process Videos – Our Commitments (png)*
Building-Leaders site New Recruit Process Videos – Our Market (png)*
Building-Leaders site New Recruit Process Videos – Secrets of the Successful (png)*
Building-Leaders site New Recruit Process Videos – Some More Secrets (png)*
Building-Leaders site New Recruit Process Videos – The Cycle (png)*
Building-Leaders site New Recruit Process Videos – Why Bring People to Meetings (png)*
Building-Leaders site New Recruit Process Videos – Why Show Up to Meetings (png)*
Byron Robinson Twitter 05_24_20
Cachet Renee FB 05_09_20 (png)
Cachet Renee FB 05_15_20
Cachet Renee FB 05_17_20
Candice Parker FB 05_16_20
Chariz Pablo-Custodio IG 02_21_20
Chariz Pablo-Custodio IG Baha Mar story
Coach Armando Powerhouse Torres YT 02_09_18 (png)
Daniel Alonzo LinkedIn profile
Daniel Alonzo FB 05_02_20 (png)
Daniel Alonzo FB 05_04_20 (png)
Daniel Alonzo FB 05_12_20 (png)
Daniel Alonzo FB ad A (png)
Daniel Alonzo FB ad B (png)
Daniel Alonzo IG 05_21_20 i, ii
Daniel Alonzo IG 05_26_20 i, ii (png)
Daniel Alonzo IG 05_30_20
Daniel Alonzo YT 01_30_19 – Why Primerica i, ii, iii (png)
Daniel Alonzo YT 04_03_20 – How to WIN In a BOLD NEW World i, ii, iii, iv (png)
Daniel Alonzo YT 04_11_20 – Why NOW is the Time to Change YOUR Life i, ii, iii (png)
Daniel Alonzo YT 07_05_17 – Some More Secrets (png)
Daniel Alonzo YT 07_05_17 – Why Bring People to Meetings (png)
Daniel Alonzo YT 07_05_17 – Why Show Up to Meetings (png)
Daniel Alonzo YT 07_06_17 – Get Your Partner Involved (png)
Daniel Alonzo YT 07_06_17 – Keys to Winning (png)
Daniel Alonzo YT 07_06_17 – Our Commitments (png)
Daniel Alonzo YT 07_06_17 – Our Market (png)
Daniel Alonzo YT 07_06_17 – Secrets of the Successful (png)
Daniel Alonzo YT 07_06_20 – The Cycle (png)
Daniel Alonzo YT 10_05_17 – The Game Starts NOW (png)
Ian Prukner IG 04_16_20 i, ii, iii, iv
Ian Prukner IG 05_03_20 i, ii
Ian Prukner IG 05_14_20 i, ii, iii, iv, v
Ian Prukner IG 05_29_20
Ian Prukner Vimeo The Relentless Edge (png)
Irene JB IG 05_19_20
Jason Murray IG 05_06_20 i, ii
JC Custodio IG 02_20_20 A i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi, vii, viii, ix, x
JC Custodio IG 02_22_20 i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi, vii, viii, ix
JC Custodio IG 03_21_20
JC Custodio IG 03_24_20
Jeff Mallard FB 04_03_20
Jeff Mallard FB 04_28_20
Johnnie Harrison IG 04_02_20 i, ii, iii
Kristian M-A IG 10_21_18
Lolita Mallard FB 04_18_20
Lolita Mallard FB 04_25_20 (png)
Maria Salmeron IG 05_06_20
Marina Kramer IG 04_13_20
Marina Kramer IG 04_22_20 A
Marina Kramer IG 04_22_20 B
Marina Kramer IG 04_24_20
Marina Kramer IG 04_30_20
Marneisha Bryant IG 05_13_19 i, ii, iii
Marneisha Bryant IG 05_16_19 i, ii
Marneisha Bryant IG 05_22_20 i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi, vii, viii
Marquita Hightower IG 02_13_18
Mauricio Rivera IG 06_23_14 A
Mauricio Rivera IG 06_23_14 B
Melissa Douglas FB 04_18_20
Melissa Douglas IG 02_17_20 i, ii, iii
Melissa Douglas IG 02_18_20 i, ii
Melissa Douglas IG 03_09_20 i, ii
Melissa Douglas IG Hawaii 2018 story
Melissa Douglas IG Miami 2018 story
Melissa Douglas IG TEAM story
Melissa Douglas IG Travel story
Mika Saunders FB 05_17_20 A
Mika Saunders FB 05_17_20 B
Office Zupport YT 03_21_19 – Recruiting Made Simple (png)
PGONZ Twitter 05_23_20
Primerica Business Opportunities (png)*
Primerica Business Opportunity We Are Main Street (png)*
Primerica Business Opportunity We Are Primerica (png)*
Primerica Chauvon and Antoine Landry (transcript i, ii, iii, iv, v)
Primerica Chris and Cat Melendy (transcript i, ii)
Primerica David and Jax Farmer (transcript i, ii)
Primerica Eboni Baptiste (transcript i, ii)
Primerica FB 02_19_20
Primerica Fred and Samytra (transcript i, ii)
Primerica IG 02_19_20 A
i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi, vii, viii, ix, x
Primerica IG 02_19_20 B
Primerica IG 02_20_20
i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi, vii, viii, ix, x
Primerica IG Baha Mar 1 story
i, ii, iii, iv
Primerica IG Baha Mar 2 story
i, ii, iii, iv
Primerica Jeff and Kelcey Fieldstad (transcript i, ii, iii)
Primerica Kelly Zimmerly (transcript i, ii)
Primerica Kerrie and Dion Pina (transcript i, ii)
Primerica Mario and Franny Arrizon (transcript i, ii)
Primerica Our Market (png)
Primerica Part-Time Opportunity (png)
Primerica Tonia Poe (transcript i, ii, iii)
Primerica Twitter 03_06_20
Primerica YT 03_30_18 – 2017 Fall MIT Recap (png)
Primerica YT 04_02_18 – Chauvon and Antoine Landry (png)
Primerica YT 04_02_18 – Chris and Cat Melendy (png)
Primerica YT 04_02_18 – Dare To Dream (png)
Primerica YT 04_02_18 – David and Jax Farmer (png)
Primerica YT 04_02_18 – Eboni Baptiste (png)
Primerica YT 04_02_18 – Fred and Samytra Chatman (png)
Primerica YT 04_02_18 – It’s Time (png)
Primerica YT 04_02_18 – Jeff and Kelcey Fieldstad (png)
Primerica YT 04_02_18 – Kelly Zimmerly (png)
Primerica YT 04_02_18 – Kerrie and Dion Pina (png)
Primerica YT 04_02_18 – The Journey (png)
Primerica YT 04_02_18 – Tonia Poe (png)
Primerica YT 04_02_18 – We Are Primerica (png)
Primerica YT 04_02_18 – What Are You Worth? (png)
Primerica YT 04_02_18 – You’re Going To Die (png)
Primerica YT 08_02_18 – Mario and Franny Arrizon (png)
Primerica YT 10_10_19 – Why We’re Different (png)
Primerica YT 10_29_18 – Why Not You? (png)
Sahar Makanvand IG 04_03_20
Sahar Makanvand IG 05_05_20
i, ii
Sahar Makanvand IG 05_07_20 (png)
Shane Douglas FB 04_18_20
Top Money Group YT 08_26_18 (png)
Tresa IG 09_15_18
Trevor Hall Twitter 02_11_20
Truelevi Twitter 05_05_20
Truelevi Twitter 05_18_20 A
Unbelievable Growth Prukner (png)*
Valdeen Savaya IG 04_03_20
Valdeen Savaya IG 04_27_20
Valdeen Savaya IG 05_23_20
Zachary Lavin YT 03_01_16 – Primerica What Are You Worth? (png)

* This video is embedded on a Primerica (or Primerica distributor) webpage, as well as published on YouTube or Vimeo. Because consumers can view the video on (at least) two platforms, it is included in this database twice, each time entered alongside a png of the webpage on which it is featured.