eBay Face Mask Database

In May 2020, prompted by a consumer tip, TINA.org searched eBay for “face mask FDA” and found 45 listings in which sellers falsely claim that their face masks are “FDA approved” or use the FDA’s logo in violation of the agency’s logo policy, or both. TINA.org’s sampling includes 13 “sponsored” listings that are given greater exposure by eBay in exchange for a fee.

Listings that ended as of May 13, 2020 are indicated in gray.

Date Collected eBay Listing FDA Logo “FDA Approved” Sponsored*
5/4/20 chja-3282 A (PDF, PNG)
5/4/20 designerbrandsforless A (PDF, PNG)
5/4/20 designerbrandsforless B (PDF, PNG)
5/4/20 designerbrandsforless C (PDF, PNG)
5/4/20 designerbrandsforless D (PDF, PNG)
5/4/20 designerbrandsforless E (PDF, PNG)
5/4/20 the-last-renaissance A (PDF, PNG)
5/4/20 zjw530530 A (PDF, PNG)
5/4/20 zjw530530 B (PDF, PNG)
5/5/20 ae8-74 A (PDF, PNG)
5/5/20 bigjeffonlineinc A (PDF, PNG)
5/5/20 chja-3282 A (PDF, PNG)
5/5/20 con-4857 A (PDF, PNG)
5/5/20 designerbrandsforless A (PDF, PNG)
5/5/20 designerbrandsforless B (PDF, PNG)
5/5/20 designerbrandsforless C (PDF, PNG)
5/5/20 designerbrandsforless D (PDF, PNG)
5/5/20 designerbrandsforless E (PDF, PNG)
5/5/20 icobr0 A (PDF, PNG)
5/5/20 icobr0 B (PDF, PNG)
5/5/20 iluvsocks A (PDF, PNG)
5/5/20 mickosupplyllc A (PDF, PNG)
5/5/20 paylessbeauty A (PDF, PNG)
5/5/20 schia6199 A (PDF, PNG)
5/5/20 skylimit00 A (PDF, PNG)
5/5/20 taduncan5 A (PDF, PNG)
5/12/20 ar_dand_5kovlant6 A (PDF, PNG)
5/12/20 ar_dand_5kovlant6 B (PDF, PNG)
5/12/20 ar_dand_5kovlant6 C (PDF, PNG)
5/12/20 audiosavings A (PDF, PNG)
5/12/20 audiosavings B (PDF, PNG)
5/12/20 dover45637 A (PDF, PNG)
5/12/20 jos_2967 A (PDF, PNG)
5/12/20 kends07 A (PDF, PNG)
5/12/20 limaedwi A (PDF, PNG)
5/12/20 omaalomar-3 (PDF, PNG)
5/12/20 qualitylumber A (PDF, PNG)
5/12/20 salifive A (PDF, PNG)
5/12/20 salifive B (PDF, PNG)
5/12/20 secure_zone A (PDF, PNG)
5/12/20 sellingitems12345 A (PDF, PNG)
5/12/20 zh_422134 A (PDF, PNG)
5/12/20 zjw530530 A (PDF, PNG)
5/12/20 zjw530530 B (PDF, PNG)
5/12/20 zjw530530 C (PDF, PNG)

*According to search result pages captured on May 5, 2020 (PDF, PNG) and May 12, 2020 (PDF, PNG).