Class Action

Spirit’s “Shortcut Security”

Class Action

Spirit’s “Shortcut Security”

December 2020: The case was dismissed.

November 2019: A class-action lawsuit was filed against Spirit Airlines for allegedly misleadingly advertising a “Shortcut Security” option that the airline claims allows customers who purchase the option to use a separate, faster line to get through security at certain airports when, according to the complaint, the service is “illusory” because most airports do not allow airlines to conduct their own security checks. (Guzman et al v. Spirit Airlines, Inc., Case No. 19-cv-62725, S.D. Fla.)

Click here for more of’s coverage of Spirit Airlines.

Class-Action Tracker

Spirit Airlines Prices

Class Action

Spirit Airlines Prices

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Spirit Airlines Shortcut Boarding

Class Action

Spirit Airlines Shortcut Boarding

Allegations: Deceptively marketing that passengers who upgrade their flight get priority boarding when they weren’t allowed to board early during the COVID-19 pandemic due to state and federal health regulations

Spirit Airlines “Shortcut Security”

Class Action

Spirit Airlines “Shortcut Security”

Allegations: Deceptively advertising a “Shortcut Security” option that allows consumers who pay for this option to use a separate, faster line to get through security at certain U.S. airports

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