Allura Fiber Cement Siding
In April 2019, multiple false advertising class-action lawsuits filed against Allura USA, Plycem USA, and Elementia USA were transferred to a multidistrict litigation (MDL) to be heard together. The complaints…
May 2021: The Court granted final approval of a settlement agreement. For more information, go to https://www.plycemsidingsettlement.com/.
October 2019: A class-action lawsuit was filed against Allura USA, Plycem USA, and Elementia USA for allegedly falsely advertising that fiber cement siding – including Plycem/Allura cedar siding – is durable, engineered to endure harsh weather and high wind climates, and guaranteed for 50 years when, according to plaintiffs, the siding starts to crack and deteriorate after only a few years. (Kenney et al v. Allura USA LLC, Plycem USA LLC d/b/a Allura, Plycem USA, Inc., Elementia USA, Inc., Elementia, S.A.B. DE C.V., Case No. 19-cv-1226, N. D. NY.) Later in October, the case was transferred to a multidistrict litigation in a South Carolina court to be heard with other similar cases. (In Re: Allura Fiber Cement Siding Products Liability Litigation, MDL No. 2886)
In April 2019, multiple false advertising class-action lawsuits filed against Allura USA, Plycem USA, and Elementia USA were transferred to a multidistrict litigation (MDL) to be heard together. The complaints…
Being part of The DunKings isn’t for the faint of heart – it takes commitment
TINA.org reader receives a suspicious email.
Six big game marketers that have been accused of fumbling ad claims.
This marketing may come with some baggage.
Madison Burgess, Daily Mail