Plycem/Allura Cedar Siding
Allegations: Falsely advertising fiber cement siding
In April 2019, multiple false advertising class-action lawsuits filed against Allura USA, Plycem USA, and Elementia USA were transferred to a multidistrict litigation (MDL) to be heard together. The complaints allege that the companies misleadingly market that Allura Fiber Cement Siding is durable and lasts for 50 years when, according to the complaint, the siding is defective and requires repair and replacement within the first few years. Some of the complaints also allege that the marketing represents that the siding meets applicable building codes and industry standards when, according to plaintiffs, the siding violates building codes and industry standards for performance and weather resistance. (In Re Allura Fiber Cement Siding Products Liability Litigation, MDL 2886, Case No. 19-mn-2886, D. SC.) Click here and here to see the transfer orders. Some of the cases transferred to the multidistrict litigation are listed below.
Allegations: Falsely advertising fiber cement siding
Being part of The DunKings isn’t for the faint of heart – it takes commitment
TINA.org reader receives a suspicious email.
Six big game marketers that have been accused of fumbling ad claims.
This marketing may come with some baggage.
Madison Burgess, Daily Mail