Class Action

Deep River Snacks Kettle Cooked Potato Chips

Class Action

Deep River Snacks Kettle Cooked Potato Chips

Case Name (Date)

Rankin et al. v. Arca Continental S.A.B. de C.V., (d/b/a Arca Continental) and Old Lyme Gourmet Co. (d/b/a Deep River Snacks)
20-cv-1756, E.D.N.Y.
(April 2020)

Wong et al. v. Old Lyme Gourmet Co. (d/b/a Deep River Snacks)
20-cv-7095, N.D. Cal.
(Oct. 2020)


Deep River Snacks Kettle Cooked Potato Chips


Deceptively using a non-GMO seal that was created by the company and mimics the Non-GMO Project seal but was not bestowed by an independent third party

Falsely marketing products as containing “non-GMO ingredients” when they contain ingredients derived from GMOs


Rankin case: Pending

Wong case: Stayed

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