Verizon Super Bowl FanFest
Verizon Super Bowl FanFest is hitting 30 cities for a Super Bowl experience like no other. You In?
In July 2014, a class-action lawsuit was filed against Blue Cross of California for allegedly deceptively representing its individual health service plans. Among other things, the complaint claims that the company misrepresented that specific physicians and hospitals were participating in the Blue Cross EPO health service plan when, in reality, they were not. (Felser et al., v. Blue Cross of California, dba Anthem Blue Cross and DOES 1-100 inclusive, Case No. BC 550739, California Superior Court, Los Angeles).
For more information about other class-action lawsuits against insurance companies and’s coverage of the issue, click here.
Verizon Super Bowl FanFest is hitting 30 cities for a Super Bowl experience like no other. You In?
This risk-free trial might have you pulling your hair out.
Proposed new earnings claim rule comes three years after comment to FTC.
How negative feelings surrounding menstruation have influenced period product marketing.
Why these products may leave you wanting more.