Courtney Sanders’ Life Coaching Programs
Be wary of these life-changing claims.
In July 2012, a class action was brought on behalf of California residents who bought a Chevrolet Equinox between January 1, 2011 and March 31, 2012 that does not have the MyLink system. According to the lawsuit, “[t]hroughout 2011, GM widely and publically advertised and marketed its Chevrolet MyLink system and specifically represented to the general public that MyLink would be available in the fall of 2011 in connection with 2012 model year Equinox vehicles. However, it appears GM jumped the gun and marketed a system it was not ready to mass-produce and/or install on 2012 Equinox vehicles until a few short months ago.” (Brewer v. General Motors, LLC, et al., Case No. 37-2012-1006420CU-CO-CTL, Ca. Super. Ct., County of San Diego)
Be wary of these life-changing claims.
Being part of The DunKings isn’t for the faint of heart – it takes commitment
TINA.org reader receives a suspicious email.
Six big game marketers that have been accused of fumbling ad claims.
This marketing may come with some baggage.