
5549 Results


Roblox In-Game Content

Class Action

Roblox In-Game Content

Allegations: Advertising in-game content without warning consumers that the platform deletes purchased content and does not provide refunds or credits for the deletions

Texas Pete Hot Sauces

Class Action

Texas Pete Hot Sauces

Allegations: Misleadingly marketing sauces as if they are from Texas when they are manufactured in North Carolina

Sweet Harvest Fruit Cocktail

Class Action

Sweet Harvest Fruit Cocktail

Allegations: Misleadingly marketing products as “Fruit Cocktail in 100% Fruit Juice” when the ingredients list shows the fruit comes in a mixture of fruit juice, added water, and a chemical…

Spartan Mosquito

Class Action

Spartan Mosquito

Allegations: Falsely marketing that products provide “do-it-yourself” mosquito prevention by killing mosquitoes and eradicating mosquito populations

XTEND Energy

Class Action

XTEND Energy

Allegations: Falsely marketing products as containing “0 calories” when they actually contain 30-50 calories

Spartan Mosquito Eradicator

Class Action

Spartan Mosquito Eradicator

Allegations: Falsely marketing that the Spartan Mosquito Eradicator provides “do-it-yourself mosquito control” that “eradicate[s] your mosquito population for up to 90 days”

Rad Power Bikes

Class Action

Rad Power Bikes

Allegations: Falsely marketing e-bikes as safe, family-friendly transportation when they are not due to a defect

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