Prüvit investigated Pruvit as part of a larger investigation into atypical income claims used by MLM companies. To read more about’s 2023 MLM Income Claims Investigation, click here.
The Latest
MLMs Continue to Recruit with Deceptive Earnings Claims investigation finds 98% of MLMs using misleading income claims.
A Growing List of Coronavirus Scams
A master list of known and alleged scams.
MLMs Continue to Break the Law Despite FTC Warning
Deceptive health and income claims, including some tied to COVID-19, persist in wake of warning from the feds. Alerts FTC to Herbalife Distributors’ Coronavirus Claims complaint comes four years after MLM paid $200 million to settle FTC deceptive advertising charges.
Prüvit Signal//Defense Cocktail
Video on MLM’s website promotes supplement for coronavirus prevention.
Prüvit Distributors, Co-Founder Making Illegal Health Claims
The key to marketing for this ketone-centric MLM appears to be illegal health claims.
TINA’s List
Readers have told us to look into these MLMs.