Living Essentials

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Energy Drink Companies Under Legal Attack
What you should know about some of the industry’s top brands, including Red Bull and 5-Hour Energy.

Time Up for 5-Hour Energy Drink?
Drink manufacturer faces multiple state lawsuits.

Pink Ribbon Doesn’t Always Indicate A Healthy Buy
Should breast cancer foundations accept cash from companies selling these products?

What’s Magic about this Ingredient in Energy Drinks?
Your browser does not support the video tag. Shocking news flash: the “energy” from energy drinks comes from caffeine, and not the other fluffy ingredients, such as the “B vitamins…
Class-Action Tracker

June 2013: Multiple lawsuits were transferred to one court to be heard together. For more information about that case, click here. (In Re: 5-Hour Energy Marketing and Sales Practices Litigation,…

5-Hour Energy Drinks
January 2015: A federal judge dismissed some of the false advertising claims in this lawsuit. Specifically, the judge dismissed the false advertising claims that were based on off-label representations, such…