Goop investigated Goop, a New York and California-based “lifestyle” company founded by Gwyneth Paltrow that sells a wide range of products, including supplements, natural “remedies,” oils, crystals, beauty products, clothing, and accessories.’s investigation revealed that the company used unsubstantiated, and therefore deceptive, health and disease-treatment claims to market many of its products.

- Sent warning letter to company
- Filed complaint with CA District Attorneys
- CA brought enforcement action resulting in $145,000 stipulated judgment
- Filed second complaint wtih CA after company violated judgment
October 7
As part of its investigation into the menopause supplement industry, and because of Goop’s past marketing of its Madame Ovary supplement, notifies the company of a deceptive marketing trend in the industry and urges it to review its marketing to ensure compliance with the law.
January 27 files second complaint with the California District Attorneys urging them to re-open their investigation into Goop and take appropriate enforcement action as a result of findings that the company is violating the 2018 Stipulated Judgment.
September 4
The California Food, Drug, and Medical Device Task Force brings an action against Goop, and a stipulated judgment is entered against the company requiring it to pay $145,000 in civil penalties and refrain from making any claims about the efficacy or effects of any of its products without competent and reliable scientific evidence to substantiate its claims.
June 29 sends a letter to California District Attorneys regarding Goop’s ineffective disclaimers.
September 10
A audit of the sampling of Goop webpages in’s database reveals that the company removed a number of inappropriate health statements from its site. These include claims of preventing uterine prolapse (Better Sex Jade Eggs), as well as claims to treat acne, eczema and psoriasis (Black Rose Bar). However, the vast majority of problematic health statements catalogued by on remain at this time.
August 22
After seeing only limited changes to Goop’s marketing, with the vast majority of the examples catalogued by still containing inappropriate health claims, sends a complaint letter to two California District Attorneys’ Offices that are part of the California Food Drug and Medical Device Task Force.
August 11 sends a warning letter to Goop notifying it of’s findings and asking that the company remedy the deceptive marketing immediately.

California Cracks Down on Goop after Complaint
Goop to pay $145,000 in penalties and cease deceptive marketing as a result of California action.
The Latest

Gwyneth Paltrow’s Goop Touted the ‘Benefits’ of Putting a Jade Egg in Your Vagina. Now It Must Pay.
Amy B Wang, Washington Post

Gwyneth Paltrow’s Goop Will Pay $145,000 For Misleading Customers About That Vagina Egg
Brianna Sacks, BuzzFeed News

Gwyneth Paltrow Says Goop Magazine Ended After Disagreement With Publisher Over Fact-Checking
Harriet Alexander, The Telegraph

The Big Business of Being Gwyneth Paltrow
Taffy Brodesser-Akner, New York Times

Amid Goop’s Mixed Signals, Repeats Call for Regulatory Action
Wellness site continues to deceive consumers as it figures out how it wants to project itself to the world.

Goop Is Finally Getting Real About How They Promote Wacky Health Trends
Macaela Mackenzie, Shape

The Baffling Rise of Goop
Olga Khazan, The Atlantic

Edmonton Goop-debunker buoyed by renewed attack on Gwyneth Paltrow’s wellness brand
The Canadian Press, CBC News

Gwyneth Paltrow’s Goop Accused of ‘Deceptive’ Health Claims
Herb Weisbaum, NBC News

Ad watchdog criticises Gwyneth Paltrow’s Goop for snake oil ‘deception’
John Glenday, The Drum