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I’d Tap That
Bottled water is convenient, but is it worth the cost?
Class-Action Tracker
Arrowhead Bottled Water
Allegations: Falsely marketing products as “100% Mountain Spring Water” when they contain microplastics
Poland Spring Bottled Waters
Allegations: Falsely marketing products as “100% Natural Spring Water”
Ice Mountain Bottled Waters
Allegations: Misleadingly marketing products as “100% Natural Spring Water” when they contain microplastics
Recyclability Claims on Dasani, Poland Spring and Other Bottled Waters
Allegations: False “100% Recyclable” claims
Recyclability Claims on Arrowhead, Poland Spring, Niagara, and Other Bottled Waters
Allegations: False “100% Recyclable” claims
Poland Spring’s Raspberry Lime Sparkling Water
Allegations: Misleadingly marketing sparkling waters as being flavored “with a twist of raspberry lime” without adequately disclosing that the waters contain “Natural Flavors”
S. Pellegrino Essenza Lemon & Lemon Zest
Allegations: Misleadingly marketing the water as flavored with lemon when the ingredients list reveals it contains “natural flavors” instead of a lemon ingredient
Sparkling Poland Spring With A Twist of Lemon
Allegations: Misleadingly marketing the water as flavored with lemon when the ingredients list reveals it contains “Natural Flavors” instead of a lemon ingredient
Poland Spring® Spring Water
March 2019: A federal judge dismissed the claims brought under Vermont law but allowed the other claims to move forward. June 2018: Plaintiffs filed a Consolidated Amended Class Action Complaint…