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Gatorade Challenges BodyArmor’s ‘Superiority’ Claims

Issue heads to the FTC following a complaint from competing sports drink Gatorade.

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Gatorade Challenges BodyArmor’s ‘Superiority’ Claims

Up-and-coming sports drink BodyArmor SuperDrink has been endorsed by some of the biggest names in sports and has the added financial backing of NBA superstar Kobe Bryant.

BodyArmor SuperDrink bottle

But what BodyArmor does not have, according to the National Advertising Division (NAD), is evidence to support claims that it provides superior nutrition and hydration in comparison to competing sports drink Gatorade, which brought a complaint to NAD, the advertising industry’s self-regulatory body, earlier this year.

In April, NAD recommended that BodyArmor drop or modify the superiority claim as well as one that marketed the drink as having two and a half times the electrolytes of the leading sports drink. Last week, NAD said BodyArmor disagreed with its recommendation and wouldn’t participate in its process. So NAD referred the issue to the FTC.

According to NAD: “The company contended that its electrolyte-rich formula is in fact an ‘upgrade’ over Gatorade’s formula and said it was prepared to defend its advertising and formulation in the marketplace and in forums where it would have full due process rights.” reached out to BodyArmor for comment on NAD’s action but did not receive an immediate response.

Drink up more of our coverage on the beverage industry here.

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