Multilevel Marketing: The Day Job that Doesn’t Pay
More than 97 percent of DSA member companies use or have used misleading income claims.
Tallying up the real figures behind Vemma's business opportunity.
Multilevel Marketing – a way of distributing products or services in which the distributors earn income from their own retail sales and from retail sales made by their direct and indirect recruits. conventions tend to be long on motivational speeches and short on relevant strategic and fiscal information. Fitting that mold to a tee, this past week Vemma, an Arizona-based MLM company that sells supplements and energy drinks, held its annual convention in Phoenix, promoting the tag line ‘Focus on Your Success,’ and featuring several motivational speakers. To counterbalance all the convention hype with some cold, hard facts, TINA.org launched a four-day Twitter campaign using the company’s hashtag — #VemmaFOCUS. We believe that a more prudent course for distributors is to ‘Focus on the Facts.’ Here are some important ones:
Related: VEMMA 2014: It Ain’t Pretty
More than 97 percent of DSA member companies use or have used misleading income claims.
Company agrees to a ban on pyramid scheme practices to settle charges.
Company struggled under court-mandated customer-focused business structure.