Consumer News

That Is Not the Tax Man at Your Door

Five things the government will never do.

Consumer News

That Is Not the Tax Man at Your Door

Whether it’s tax time or another time of year, fraudsters posing as government agents look for ways to get private information from you so they can steal your identity or empty your bank account. Here’s what you should know to protect yourself:

  1. The U.S. government will never call you asking for money. Never!
  2. The IRS does not contact taxpayers by email, text or through social media. (The real IRS sends you a plain old-fashioned letter).
  3. The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services will never send the police to your house.
  4. The IRS will not deport you.
  5. The government will not ask you to pay using a prepaid money card or via wire transfer.

Read more here about steps you can take to keep your private information from falling into the wrong hands.

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