Ad Alert

Ready Hour Emergency Food Kits

Only the fittest ad claims survive.

Ad Alert

Ready Hour Emergency Food Kits

“If you’re not prepared IN ADVANCE, you really don’t have a chance,” My Patriot Supply, seller of Ready Hour emergency food kits, warns on the product’s website.

But the company itself didn’t seem prepared to have its advertising claims scrutinized by the National Advertising Division.

In response to a recent inquiry by the self-regulatory group, My Patriot Supply agreed to discontinue or modify a number of claims that had been challenged by a competitor, including claims that its freeze-dried fruit is “fresh,” its mass-produced meals are “home-cooked” and its food kits are made in the USA when some of their ingredients are imported.

My Patriot Supply also agreed to take steps to ensure that its “time-limited claims” are not misleading. (False time-limited claims are a type of dark pattern, or design feature used to confuse and manipulate consumers into making decisions that they would not otherwise make.)

Perhaps My Patriot Supply should’ve seen the inquiry coming. The competitor that challenged its advertising, 4Patriots, is the same company whose advertising it challenged with NAD in 2022, leading to recommended changes.

Who knew the market for patriotic-themed survival food kits was so cutthroat?

Find more of our coverage on made in the USA claims here.

Our Ad Alerts are not just about false and deceptive marketing issues, but may also be about ads that, although not necessarily deceptive, should be viewed with caution. Ad Alerts can also be about single issues and may not include a comprehensive list of all marketing issues relating to the brand discussed.

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