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Patriot Tube

FTC brings company's questionable Made in the USA claims into the light of day.

You’d be hard-pressed to find an LED lighting company more patriotic than Patriot Tube. Not only does Uncle Sam greet visitors to the company’s homepage, the page is swathed in no less than nine American flags.

But the truth is that the Ohio company’s lights aren’t even Made in the USA; they’re only assembled here with “significant imported content,” according to the FTC. The agency’s recent inquiry into Patriot Tube’s American-made claims resulted in the company swapping several Made in the USA claims in its marketing for Assembled in the USA claims. For a product to be advertised as Made in the USA, the FTC says it should contain no more than a negligible amount of foreign content.

Evidence of the switch to Assembled in the USA claims can be seen on the company’s homepage. Here’s an excerpt from the homepage as it appeared last summer compared to how that same section appears now.

Find more of our coverage on Made in the USA claims here.

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FTC spots potentially misleading made in the USA claims in company’s marketing.