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The breathing room for this supplement decreases as NAD refers claims to the FTC.

We know we need oxygen to live but how much is too much? If you ask the marketers of a supplement called Nutrio2, they may tell you there is no limit (though researchers would disagree). They claim, among other things:

The fact is that disease causing germs, bacteria and viruses cannot live in an oxygen-rich environment! In other words, wherever you have high levels of oxygen in your body, harmful bacteria and viruses are killed. … And this is what REVERSES your physical age — where your healthy cells can grow and multiply.

And guess what makes an “oxygen-rich environment” possible? Nutrio2, of course.

But — and returning readers will know where this but is heading — such health claims require substantiation, aka scientific proof that the supplement works as advertised. And when the National Advertising Division (The National Advertising Division (NAD) is the advertising industry’s self-regulatory body administered by the Council of Better Business Bureaus.) recently reached out to the company for this information, Nutrio2 did not respond. This is when NAD referred the claims to the FTC for further review.

The claims at issue were found in Internet advertising and challenged by the Council for Responsible Nutrition, an industry trade group that works with NAD to ensure supplements are making truthful claims.

On that note: Remember, readers, marketing supplements as having the ability to treat, cure, alleviate the symptoms of, or prevent developing diseases and disorders is simply not permitted by law. If a supplement really could do all that, then it would be a drug subject to rigorous study and testing to gain FDA approval.

Find more of our coverage on supplements here.

Our Ad Alerts are not just about false and deceptive marketing issues, but may also be about ads that, although not necessarily deceptive, should be viewed with caution. Ad Alerts can also be about single issues and may not include a comprehensive list of all marketing issues relating to the brand discussed.

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