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Spam email leads to a fake endorsement from Dr. Oz, among other celebrities.
We wanted to know what foods we were never supposed to eat. So we clicked.
We saw this web ad:
We wanted to know what foods we were never supposed to eat. So we clicked.
The ad took us to a webpage with a long video (surprise!) that we couldn’t skip or pause or fast-forward. The video also included plenty of psuedo-handdrawn animation, which seems to be the new thing for these sorts of web ads.
The one carb you’re not supposed to eat, called the “demon carb” is high-fructose corn syrup, according to the video. Sound advice.
But this is not a public service message informing you that high-fructose corn syrup is bad for your health. It is a pitch for nutritional supplement IC-5 that BioTrust, its maker, claims will help control your blood sugar and thus help your weight loss. You can keep carbing away while losing weight, as the above image seems to imply. One bottle costs $69.
The BioTrust website also claims:
IC-5 contains a synergistic blend of 5 unique and hard-to-come-by nutrients in the exact Scientific Dose™ used in research to dramatically improve your insulin sensitivity, enhance control of your blood sugar levels, partition carbs to your muscles (NOT fat), and increase fat burning.
Why “Scientific Dose” is trademarked is anyone’s guess.
The site is “doctor trusted” show by this seal at the bottom of the page. Oddly enough the active date, updates to any day you are on the site.
The video does cite many real scientific studies, however none of them directly test the supplement that they are selling for such inflated prices.
Also beware of sites claiming to “expose” and review BioTrust products. Many of the sites we reviewed actually only say positive things about BioTrust and many have similar structures, such as these two sites, (lookslim&win and youcanlookgood.)
Consumers, however, tell a different story:
Many others complain that they are constantly flooded with emails from the company even if they unsubscribe.
While the actual BioTrust site looks reliable, the scientific “articles” are written by the CEO boasting of how his products help with eradicating belly fat.
With questionable checkout practices and promises of free shipping (that “expires without notice”) this overpriced supplement might be worth more investigation.
A reminder: The claims made by supplement makers like BioTrust are not evaluated by the FDA. So other than the maker’s word, there is no evidence this supplement is effective. A combination of diet and exercise is the best way to lose weight. And you should consult your doctor before taking any supplements
This story was originally posted 2/6/14.
Our Ad Alerts are not just about false and deceptive marketing issues, but may also be about ads that, although not necessarily deceptive, should be viewed with caution. Ad Alerts can also be about single issues and may not include a comprehensive list of all marketing issues relating to the brand discussed.
Spam email leads to a fake endorsement from Dr. Oz, among other celebrities.
Keto diet pill scam hits home.
Doctor pitches bogus health treatments in violation of federal order.