Alkaline Water Plus
Are there really any benefits to drinking alkaline water?
Unsubstantiated health claims aren't the sole problem with these insoles.
“Chiropractors won’t solve your problem,” says MagniSole.
The problem is back pain, which experts say as much as 80 percent of the population will experience at some point in their lives. (Thanks, experts!)
And the solution, according to MagniSole, is MagniSole — specifically, the company’s magnetic insoles, which it claims not only relieve back pain, but foot and body pain to boot, in addition to reducing stress and increasing blood flow and circulation in the feet of users.
How does MagniSole back up its claims, you ask? The company says its magnetic insoles use the techniques of “5,000 year old ancient Chinese acupressure” to stimulate more than 175 acupressure points, providing “targeted relief throughout the body.”
Yet MagniSole does not link to or cite any supporting studies and the only source on the webpage is a back pain fact sheet from — wait for it — the American Chiropractic Association.
Meanwhile, a 2005 study that is all of the things you would want a study to be — that is, randomized, double-blind and placebo-controlled — found that magnetic insoles did not effectively relieve foot pain among study participants. The study also pointed to a placebo effect — participants who strongly believed in magnets reported pain relief even if they were given false magnets to wear.
Unsubstantiated health claims aren’t the only issue with MagniSole. There’s more afoot:
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Are there really any benefits to drinking alkaline water?
This year reader tips led to dozens of ad alerts, as well as a complaint to regulators.
What you need to know about this purported hangover remedy.