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Is HYPERSHOCK Rage all the Rage?

Myogenix Sports Nutrition's product claims "measurable results in the gym" but does it live up to the hype?

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Is HYPERSHOCK Rage all the Rage?

Myogenix Sports Nutrition claims people who take Hypershock Rage will see “measurable results in the gym.” According to the company’s website, within 15 minutes of consumption “you’ll experience a furious desire to Rage through a workout, and a pump you’ve probably never felt before in your life.”

But before you rush out to purchase the Hypershock Rage supplement, be sure to review the disclaimers on the website. These disclaimers warn consumers to seek “advice from a health care practitioner prior to use if [they] have a pre-existing medical condition.” Another disclaimer says the statements on the site have not been approved by the FDA. Still others say that the supplement is for “healthy adults only” and not “for persons under the age of 18.” The company also faced a class-action lawsuit.

For more information about bodybuilding supplements, click here.

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