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Herbal Doctor Remedies

FDA slaps supplement maker for unapproved drug treatment claims.

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Herbal Doctor Remedies

You don’t need to rack your brain to deduce what Herbal Doctor Remedies markets its supplements to do; it’s right there in the name of the product: Baby Saver, Pain Stopper and Tumor Off, among others. But just in case there’s any confusion, the supplement maker provides the following descriptions on its website and/or product labeling:

  • “Usage: It helps stabilize the fetus, nourish the blood for fetal stability, difficult labor, pain in the waist and abdomen during pregnancy…” (Baby Saver)
  • “Indications: It will help relive [sic] pain, swelling and stiffness of joints … for joint pain of limbs, swelling of foot … and chest discomfort.” (Pain Stopper)
  • “Used for tumor of unknown causes, fibrocystic disease, breast cancer, thyroma [sic], goiter, and cervical lymphadema [sic]. Or as a cancer prevention diet supplement.” (Tumor Off)

Not surprisingly, the FDA recently warned Herbal Doctor Remedies that such health claims are illegal because the supplement company lacks the agency’s approval to make them. In total, the agency cited 16 products making 22 Only FDA-approved drugs can be marketed as having the ability to diagnose, cure, treat, prevent or mitigate a disease.. Other products in the literal line of supplements named in the FDA’s letter include Stroke Saver, Lupus Off and Worm Off.

Remember, readers, marketing supplements as having the ability to treat, cure, alleviate the symptoms of, or prevent developing diseases and disorders is simply not permitted by law. If a supplement really could do all that, then it would be a drug subject to rigorous study and testing to gain FDA approval.

Find more of our coverage on supplements here.

Our Ad Alerts are not just about false and deceptive marketing issues, but may also be about ads that, although not necessarily deceptive, should be viewed with caution. Ad Alerts can also be about single issues and may not include a comprehensive list of all marketing issues relating to the brand discussed.

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