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FTC Approves Changes to EnergyGuide Labels

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FTC Approves Changes to EnergyGuide Labels

The Established in 1914 under President Woodrow Wilson, the FTC is the United States government’s primary regulatory authority in the area of consumer protection and anti-competitive business practices in the marketplace. Its Bureau of Consumer Protection assumes the lead in the Commission’s efforts to eliminate deceptive advertising and fraudulent business practices at work in the economy. has announced that EnergyGuide labels on appliances will be updated to reflect new Department of Energy testing standards. There will be new labels for refrigerators and clothes washers, and updated energy comparison information on other appliances.

See an example below:


Appliance manufactures must attach yellow EnergyGuide labels to products so that consumers can easily compare similar appliances by type, feature, estimated yearly operating cost, and estimated yearly electricity use. For more information on EnergyGuide labels, see the FTC’s guide.

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