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Davidson’s Safest Choice Eggs

Humane Society says pastoral messaging is at odds with actual egg production practices.

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Davidson’s Safest Choice Eggs

On the pictures on the cartons of Davidson’s Safest Choice eggs a trio of all-white hens pal around in a lush open pasture. But unless these chicks flew the coop, they aren’t any of Davidson’s egg-laying hens, the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) says in a false advertising complaint filed with the FTC.

“Contrary to the messaging conveyed on the packaging, these birds never feel sunlight nor touch a blade of grass,” the national animal welfare nonprofit alleges. “While some Davidson’s eggs are cage-free, even those coming from caged hens are marketed and sold in this deceptive manner.”

The HSUS says similar pastoral representations at odds with the actual cramped conditions in which the hens spend all their days appear on the company’s website and in its magazine ads. The group notes that there’s growing consumer preference for cage-free eggs, which has led hundreds of major food brands to eventually adopt 100 percent cage-free egg production policies.

Davidson did not respond to a request for comment.

Find more of our coverage on eggs here.

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