Consumer News

Chasing Unicorns: LuLaRoe’s Return Policy

Frustrated distributors react to LulaRoe's ever changing return policy.

Consumer News

Chasing Unicorns: LuLaRoe’s Return Policy

In April, after a slew of bad press and the filing of multiple class-action lawsuits, MLM clothing company LuLaRoe established a new return policy for its distributors that were going out of business (GOOB).

Unfortunately, the implementation of said policy didn’t go so well.

Some distributors spent hours trying to get their refunds processed.

Ignoring the mounting discontent, LuLaRoe posted the following message for Motivational Monday this week:

And respond they did. LuLaRoe’s distributors and critics took to social media to express their outrage at the company’s latest change to its return policy, which rescinds its offer to buyback unsold inventory at 100% of wholesale cost and pay for shipping, among other things.

And now frustrated distributors are complaining to the FTC and threatening to lawyer up.

Seems like it may be time for a mascot change for the brand:

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