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Spam email leads to a fake endorsement from Dr. Oz, among other celebrities.
Your Baby Still Can't Read, according to the Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood.
A parent would do anything for their child, including shelling out big money to give them an early advantage. And Robert Titzer banked millions of dollars marketing “Your Baby Can Read,” a video series that claimed it could teach babies as young as nine months how to read. But after a complaint from the Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood (CCFC), the FTC, in 2014, obtained an order prohibiting Titzer and his company, Infant Learning Inc., from making any unsubstantiated claims about the performance or efficacy of any product that teaches reading.
However, the story doesn’t end there. CCFC is alleging that Titzer is back at it with a new series of products renamed “Your Baby Can Learn!” that are being marketed with the same old deceptive claims only repackaged like a used diaper.
In a letter to the FTC, CCFC said Titzer, who settled the agency’s 2014 complaint by agreeing to pay $300,000 of a $185 million judgement, is marketing the “Your Baby Can Learn!” products without competent scientific evidence to support its claims in violation of the order.
“Titzer provides no evidence that he has conducted the examinations and testing required by the Order to exercise his endorsement,” CCFC said. “These claims are unsupported, misleading and violate the FTC’s Order.”
We reached out to the company for comment and they responded saying:
We have studies that support the use of our programs. In the settlement, neither party admitted any wrongdoing and the case was settled without the judge hearing all of the scientific information.
The company has made the full statement available on its Facebook page.
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Spam email leads to a fake endorsement from Dr. Oz, among other celebrities.
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