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Amare Global Happy Juice

MLM's advertising claims are in need of a gut check.

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Amare Global Happy Juice

Amare Global, an MLM that markets and sells supplements and that has anointed itself “the mental wellness company,” sells a drink called Happy Juice that it says targets the gut-brain axis, which is the communication network that links the enteric and central nervous systems.

According to the product’s formulator, Shawn Talbott, who is also the “chief science officer” at Amare, Happy Juice taps into this network to send “the best signals possible” from the gut to the brain, leading to a number of cognitive benefits for users, including improved “mental energy or focus.”

Talbott says in a video published on the Happy Juice product page:

A lot of people feel kind of blah. In positive psychology, we refer to that as languishing. The happy state is something called flourishing. Happy Juice addresses all that.

In another video on the product page, Amare claims Happy Juice reduces anxiety and sparks “immediate mental flow.”

Come on, get Happy (Juice)? Not so fast.

After receiving a tip from a reader, found that there are several issues with Amare’s marketing of Happy Juice.

First, according to experts, while some research suggests that gut activity may affect cognition, medical researchers who study neurological conditions like anxiety are only beginning to look at the gut. In other words, more research is needed to fully understand the gut-brain connection.

Second, despite statements that its advertising claims are “research proven” and that it has “substantiation and studies that prove [its] products work,” Amare doesn’t provide the research, substantiation or studies showing its products provide any of the benefits it advertises. And substantiation is something the FTC requires in order to make these types of health claims without running afoul of the law.

Third, the FDA has established that claims to treat anxiety and enhance focus and mental clarity are drug claims requiring its approval, which Amare doesn’t have.

According to Amare, Happy Juice is a combination of its three most popular products: MentaBiotics (“Packed with probiotics, prebiotics and phytonutrients for resilience and a ‘happy’ gut microbiome.”), Energy+ (“Powered by Guayusa or Rooibos for clear, focused, reliably awesome, all-natural energy.”) and EDGE (“Synergistically potent, brain-boosting ingredients for an all-natural nootropic that supports motivation.”).

The only way to get Happy Juice is to purchase a pack with all three products. The pack sells for $146.95 with a subscription and for $163.95 without one.

Some additional red flags include:

  • Amare distributor following company’s lead. The reader tip focused on inappropriate health claims being made by an Amare distributor, including on her Instagram account (@yoursoberguide) where she claims that Happy Juice not only eliminates anxious and depressive feelings and improves focus and mental clarity but also helps with sobriety, an area of focus for the FTC.
  • Talbott’s checkered past. Under a 2005 settlement with the FTC, the formulator of Happy Juice is prohibited from misrepresenting the health benefits of any supplement. Talbott also agreed to give up more than $1 million in assets to settle claims that he deceptively marketed two weight-loss supplements, CortiSlim and CortiStress, that the FTC alleged he also formulated.
  • You might get no satisfaction. Despite Amare’s claims to offer a “100% Satisfaction Guarantee” so that you can try Happy Juice “risk-free,” the actual terms of the company’s return policy state that shipping charges are not refunded, products “must be shipped back in the manufacturer’s box exactly as it was delivered” and products “purchased as part of a pack must be returned as the entire pack.” Leaving us to wonder, how can you actually try the product and still get your money back if you’re not satisfied?
  • Deceptive income claims. Amare and its distributors also make deceptive claims about the business opportunity, including that Amare distributors earn “passive income” and gain “financial wellness,” eventually becoming millionaires. This, despite the fact that, according to the MLM’s income disclosure statement, more than 86 percent of Amare distributors earn only $25 a month on average, not including expenses.

It all amounts to a reminder to listen to your gut when you hear claims that sound too good to be true. And, as always, do your research. reached out to Amare for comment. Check back for updates.

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Our Ad Alerts are not just about false and deceptive marketing issues, but may also be about ads that, although not necessarily deceptive, should be viewed with caution. Ad Alerts can also be about single issues and may not include a comprehensive list of all marketing issues relating to the brand discussed.

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