Case Name (Date)

Kanan et al v. Thinx Inc.
20-cv-10341, C.D. Cal.
(Nov. 2020)


Thinx Underwear


Falsely marketing underwear as safe when they contain dangerous ingredients (PFAS)


Voluntarily dismissed When a complaint is dismissed without prejudice, an amended version of the complaint can be refiled.

Class-Action Tracker

Thinx Period Products

Class Action

Thinx Period Products

Allegations: Falsely marketing the amount of fluid products absorb and that products prevent leaks, last all day, and replace pads, tampons, and other disposable products

Thinx Products

Class Action

Thinx Products

Allegations: Misleadingly advertising products as safe, healthy, sustainable, and free of harmful chemicals when they contain chemicals that are harmful

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