Sun-Maid Vanilla Yogurt Covered Raisins Ad Alert Sun-Maid Vanilla Yogurt Covered Raisins Lawsuit alleges yogurt ingredient does not meet federal definition of yogurt.
Breyers Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Ad Alert Breyers Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Class-action lawsuit asks: Where’s the mint?
Noosa Yogurt’s ‘Farm to Fridge’ Claims Ad Alert Noosa Yogurt’s ‘Farm to Fridge’ Claims As far as meaningless food marketing terms go, this one’s a real treasure.
The Weakness in CytoSport’s Muscle Milk Ad Alert The Weakness in CytoSport’s Muscle Milk The bodybuilding supplement has been the target of an FDA warning letter and a class-action lawsuit.
Bumbu Rum Ad Alert Bumbu Rum Lawsuit alleges beverage doesn’t meet federal standards to be marketed as rum.