
Product Category

916 Results


Hampton Bay Lanterns

Class Action

Hampton Bay Lanterns

Allegations: Falsely marketing that lanterns are made using “clear beveled glass” when a portion of each panel is clear beveled plastic

Vision Solar

Class Action

Vision Solar

Allegations: Making misrepresentations about the benefits of solar panel systems to homeowners

Hefty Recycling Bag

Class Action

Hefty Recycling Bag

Allegations: Misleadingly marketing products as “recycling” bags that are “designed to handle all types of recyclables” and “[r]educe your environmental impact” when the bags are not recyclable at many facilities…

Cascade Platinum ActionPacs

Class Action

Cascade Platinum ActionPacs

Allegations: Misrepresenting that products are safe and effective without disclosing that they may explode and spew detergent into the air due to a defect

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