Puffery – A Marketer’s Right To Lie
Ads can legally lie to you as long as the lie is so obvious an exaggeration that you know not to take it seriously.
Ah, the rebate – the way companies can advertise that their product only costs $75 (with their 25% off mail-in rebate) and then charge us the full $100 when we get to the store and make it to the register. So, what does the product cost – $75 or $100? Well, that’s really up to you, but if you’re like the vast majority of us, the answer is $100.
Research suggests that hundreds of millions of dollars in available rebates go unredeemed by consumers each year. Shoppers routinely allow themselves to be enticed by rebate offers while in stores, then fail to apply for the rebate when they get home. And those hundreds of millions of dollars to which we’re entitled stay in the pockets of the companies offering them.
Obviously, the reason that companies offer rebates in the first place is because THEY KNOW that you are not likely to jump through all the hoops necessary to claim the rebate. They believe that you’ll probably just go home, set aside your receipt and rebate form, and forget about the whole thing. And, the vast majority of the time, they’re totally right.
As for the hoops that you’ll have to go through to get your rebate, there are typically quite a few. Keep these in mind next time you’re reeled in by an amazing rebate offer:
Ads can legally lie to you as long as the lie is so obvious an exaggeration that you know not to take it seriously.
Where you can file complaints or research a business in your state.