HuntVault Hunting Gear Subscriptions
Why you should read all the terms before taking the bait on this offer.
January 2016: A state judge granted final approval of the settlement.
September 2015: A state judge preliminarily approved a $1.2 million settlement of a false advertising class-action lawsuit filed against Loacker USA, Inc. The 2014 complaint alleged that the company misleadingly markets Quadratini wafers as “All Natural” when they actually contain synthetic, artificial, highly processed ingredients, chemical preservatives, and artificial flavors. According to the settlement terms, class members with proof of purchase may receive a $3.29 refund for every product purchased, and class members without proof of purchase may receive a $3.29 refund for up to five products purchased. In addition, the company agreed to stop labeling the challenged products as “All Natural” or “natural” and to remove all statements representing that products are “All Natural” or “natural” from its websites. A final approval hearing is scheduled for January 8, 2016. (Romero et al v. Loacker USA, Inc., Case no. 14-cv-274434, Superior Court of the State of California – County of Santa Clara)
For more information about other class-action lawsuits regarding natural claims and TINA.org’s coverage of the issue, click here.
Why you should read all the terms before taking the bait on this offer.
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