Force Factor Supplements
Allegations: Misleadingly advertising products as if one capsule, tablet, softgel, or gummy contains the dosage advertised on the front label
In August 2018, a class-action lawsuit was filed against Force Factor for allegedly misleadingly marketing Force Factor Pure BCAA as a dietary supplement that increases protein synthesis to build muscle when, according to plaintiffs, scientific evidence shows that the dietary supplement decreases protein synthesis and is incapable of increasing muscle mass. (Seiger et al v. Force Factor, LLC, Case No. 18-cv-6611, W. D. NY.)
For more of TINA.org’s coverage of dietary supplements, click here.
Allegations: Misleadingly advertising products as if one capsule, tablet, softgel, or gummy contains the dosage advertised on the front label
Allegations: Products do not provide the advertised benefits
This image right here? Have you seen it all over the web? Everywhere there are web ads? A hand holding what looks like a large blister or a squishy pill?…
Hey it’s another “one weird trick” and “[group of professionals] hate him” ad. This web ad is for Force Factor, a supplement that claims to boost your body’s ability to…