Kylie Jenner 2017 Database

Below is a sampling of social media posts in which Kylie Jenner has failed to clearly and conspicuously disclose her material relationship to the companies promoted in the posts, either by failing to timely include any disclosure or by using an insufficient disclosure. These posts – on Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat[1] – were published after Ms. Jenner was made aware of social media disclosure issues in August 2016.

Note: In examples where a disclosure is entirely lacking, has provided evidence of the material connection by way of a comparison image of Ms. Jenner’s post and a post (or other publication) from the company she is promoting. When viewing subsequent examples of her failure to disclose her connection to the same company, viewers can refer back to the initial comparison image for evidence of the connection.

Company Medium Issue(s)
#1 Alexandre Wang 1a Instagram Post no disclosure
#2 Alexander Wang 1b Facebook Post no disclosure
#3 Beats Headphones 1a Instagram Post disclosure at end of caption; insufficient disclosure language (“#sp”)
#4 Beats Headphones 1b Facebook Post “Paid” disclosure insufficient in “Home” feed view; no disclosure in “Photos” gallery view
#5 Bumble Instagram Post #ad buried at end of caption
#6 Daniel Wellington Instagram Post #ad buried at end of caption among other hashtags
#7 Diff Eyewear 1a Instagram Post disclosure at end of lengthy caption; insufficient disclosure (“DIFFcollab”)
#8 Diff Eyewear 1b Facebook Post disclosure below “See More”; insufficient disclosure (“DIFFcollab”)
#9 Fashion Nova 1a Instagram Post #ad added to end of caption at least one hour after originally posting
#10 Fashion Nova 1b Facebook Post no disclosure
#11 Fashion Nova 2 Instagram Post #ad at end of caption
#12 Fit Tea Instagram Post #ad at end of caption
#13 Good American* Instagram Post no disclosure
#14 HiSmile Teeth Whitening 1a Instagram Post #ad buried in middle of caption
#15 HiSmile Teeth Whitening 1b Facebook Post #ad buried in middle of caption
#16 HiSmile Teeth Whitening 2a Instagram Post #ad at end of caption
#17 HiSmile Teeth Whitening 2b Facebook Post #ad at end of caption
#18 HiSmile Teeth Whitening 3 Instagram Post #ad at end of caption
#19 Jet Lux Instagram Post insufficient disclosure language (“thanks”)
#20 Lokai 1a Instagram Post #ad at end of caption
#21 Lokai 1b Facebook Post no disclosure
#22 Lokai 2a Instagram Post no disclosure
#23 Lokai 2b Facebook Post no disclosure
#24 Lokai 3a Instagram Post #ad at end of caption
#25 Lokai 3b Facebook Post #ad below “see more”
#26 MVMT Watches 1a Instagram Post #ad at end of caption
#27 MVMT Watches 1b Facebook Post #ad at end of caption in “Home” feed view; #ad below “See More” in “Photos” gallery view
#28 P.E. Nation Facebook Post no disclosure
#29 Pretty Little Thing 1a Instagram Post #ad at end of caption
#30 Pretty Little Thing 1b Facebook Post no disclosure
#31 Pretty Little Thing 2 Instagram Post #ad at end of caption
#32 Puma 1a Instagram Post no disclosure in original post (captured 6/15/17); “#PUMA_Ambassador” disclosure later added to end of caption (captured 9/7/17)
#33 Puma 1b Facebook Post no disclosure
#34 Puma 2 Instagram Post no disclosure in original post (captured 6/15/17); “#PUMA_Ambassador” disclosure later added to end of caption (captured 9/7/17)
#35 Puma 3a Instagram Post no disclosure in original post (captured 1/23/17); “#PUMA_Ambassador” disclosure later added to end of caption (captured 9/7/17)
#36 Puma 3b Facebook Post no disclosure
#37 Puma 4a Instagram Post no disclosure in original post (captured 1/23/17); “#PUMA_Ambassador” disclosure later added to end of caption (captured 9/7/17)
#38 Puma 4b Facebook Post no disclosure
#39 Puma 5a Instagram Post no disclosure in original post (captured 1/23/17); “#PUMA_Ambassador” disclosure later added to end of caption (captured 9/7/17)
#40 Puma 6a Instagram Post no disclosure in original post (captured 1/23/17); “#PUMA_Ambassador” disclosure later added to end of caption (captured 9/7/17)
#41 Puma 5b and 6b Facebook Post no disclosure
#42 Puma 7a Instagram Post no disclosure
#43 Puma 7b Facebook Post no disclosure
#44 Puma 8a Instagram Post no disclosure
#45 Puma 8b Facebook Post no disclosure
#46 Quay 1 Instagram Post insufficient disclosure language (QUAYXKYLIE)
#47 Quay 2 Instagram Post insufficient disclosure language (QUAYXKYLIE)
#48 Quay 3 Instagram Post insufficient disclosure language (QUAYXKYLIE)
#49 Quay 4a Instagram Post insufficient disclosure language (QUAYXKYLIE)
#50 Quay 4b Facebook Post “Paid” disclosure insufficient in “Home” feed view; insufficient disclosure language (QUAYXKYLIE) in “Home” feed and “Photos” gallery view
#51 Quay 5 (video) Facebook Post insufficient disclosure language (QUAYXKYLIE)
#52 Quay 6 (video) Facebook Post insufficient disclosure language (“Quay Australia collab”)
#53 Quay 7 Facebook Post insufficient disclosure language (QUAYXKYLIE)
#54 Shopify Instagram Post insufficient disclosure language (“thanks” “#poweredbyshopify”)
#55 Sorella Boutique Instagram Post no disclosure
#56 Star Lash Extensions (video) Instagram Post no disclosure
#57 Sugar Bear Hair Instagram Post #ad buried in middle of caption

*Good American is owned by sister, Khloe Kardashian.

[1] The Facebook posts in this sampling were viewed and captured from the Facebook app on an iPhone 6s.
The Instagram posts were viewed and captured from a desktop computer.
The Instagram stories were viewed and captured on the Instagram app on an iPhone 6s.
The Snapchat stories were viewed and captured on the Snapchat app on an iPhone 6s.

Because both Instagram and Snapchat stories are “temporary” posts that disappear from the platform after 24 hours, URLs for such posts were not available. Similarly, because the Facebook posts were viewed from the Facebook app, which provides – in many cases – a different view than what is visible from a desktop computer or on the mobile site, URLs for such posts are not available as they would not accurately show the image.