Hands Off My Halos: IRS
Revenge is Sweet
In February 2020, a class-action lawsuit was filed against Unreal Mobile for allegedly engaging in a bait-and-switch scheme where it falsely advertises that consumers who have its “unlimited talk, text and 1 GB of data” monthly plans could roll over up to 500MB of unused data to the next month for no additional fees when, according to plaintiffs, the company changed its policies in April 2019 and started charging consumers an additional $3.33 a month for rollover plans. (Ling et al v. STS Media, Inc. d/b/a Unreal Mobile, Case No. 20-cv-1173, N.D. Cal.)
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Revenge is Sweet
This company may need to cleanse its marketing tactics.
A closer look at what we’ll be monitoring in the new year.
Looking back at our accomplishments.
How this rental car company uses subterfuge to get you to pay for something you may not need.