French’s Mustard Products
Allegations: Falsely advertising products as “Crafted and Bottled in Springfield, MO, USA” and “AMERICAN FLAVOR IN A BOTTLE”
June 2020: A federal judge granted final approval of the settlement agreement.
January 2020: A federal judge preliminarily approved a proposed settlement agreement in the multidistrict litigation. According to its terms, class members with proof of purchase may receive the greater of $4 per container purchased or the actual price paid to purchase products, while class members without proof of purchase may receive $4 for up to two products purchased. A final fairness hearing is scheduled for June 3, 2020. For more information, go to http://www.blackpeppersettlement.com/.
December 2015: Some of the McCormick lawsuits listed below were transferred to a court in the District of Columbia to be heard together. (In Re: McCormick & Company, Inc., Pepper Products Marketing and Sales Practices Litigation, MDL No. 2665, United States Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation)
2015: Between June and November, multiple class-action lawsuits were filed against McCormick & Company for allegedly deceptively packaging its ground black pepper in underfilled containers. According to the complaints, McCormick deceived consumers by continuing to sell ground black pepper in “traditional-sized tins” when these tins actually contained approximately 25% less ground black pepper than the same tins had “historically” contained. To read each complaint, click on the case information below.
For more information about other class-action lawsuits regarding You know when you buy a big bag of chips, and you’re all psyched for a feast, and then it turns out there are like, three chips in the bag? That bag is slack filled.ed packaging and TINA.org’s coverage of the issue, click here.
Allegations: Falsely advertising products as “Crafted and Bottled in Springfield, MO, USA” and “AMERICAN FLAVOR IN A BOTTLE”
Allegations: Deceptively using “New Mexico” in product names when the product is not grown or harvested in New Mexico
Allegations: Failing to disclose herbs and spices contain high levels of toxic heavy metals
Allegations: False natural claims
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