Class Action

Sue Bee and Aunt Sue’s Honey Products

Class Action

Sue Bee and Aunt Sue’s Honey Products

July 2020: Summary judgment was entered in favor of Sioux Honey Association Cooperative.

April 2018: This stay of this case was lifted.

October 2017: This case was stayed pending the FDA’s decision regarding the proper use of the word “natural.”

January 2017: A class-action lawsuit was filed against Sioux Honey Association Cooperative for allegedly deceptively marketing Sue Bee and Aunt Sue’s honey products as pure and natural when, in reality, they contain a synthetic chemical ingredient, glyphosate. (Tran et al v. Sioux Honey Association Cooperative, Case No. 17-cv-110, C.D. Cal.)

For more information about natural claims and’s coverage of the issue, click here.

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