Rihanna embodies the triumphant and free-spirited femininity of J’adore through the lens of Steven Klein.
Hinkle et al v. Sports Research Corp.
37-2020-00001422, California State Court – San Diego
(Jan. 2020)
Premium MCT Oil and Turmeric Curcumin C3 Complex
Falsely advertising that the MCT supplement contains “healthy” and “beneficial” fats, is healthy, provides “a natural sustained energy” and has anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, and anti-viral properties when it does not
Falsely advertising that the Turmeric supplement provides “anti-inflammatory” and “anti-oxidant benefits” when it does not
(Final approval granted)
Rihanna embodies the triumphant and free-spirited femininity of J’adore through the lens of Steven Klein.
TINA.org joins coalition of consumer organizations in support of the proposed rule
Company distances itself from touted “studies” while continuing to use deceptive health claims.
Can you earn a salary just by placing a small sticker on your car?
Lawsuits accuse companies of using deceptive claims to reel in consumers.