1st Phorm’s ‘110% Money-Back Guarantee’
Money-back guarantee comes up woefully short of advertised percentage.
Tauler et al. v. Record Press, Inc.
24-cv-8817, C.D. Cal.
(Oct. 2024)
Record Press
Misleadingly sending attorneys spam emails with the name of active and ongoing litigation in the subject line when the emails were not about the litigation and were actually commercial advertisements to sell appellate consulting, printing, and litigation support services
Money-back guarantee comes up woefully short of advertised percentage.
Is it still a guarantee if it has strings attached?
Lawsuits allege “100%” marketing on front label is misleading.
TINA.org reader was charged a lot more than the advertised price. He’s not alone.
TINA.org explores the divide between the marketing and the science.