UFC Fight Pass
UFC’s advertising may make you tap out of this streaming service.
In January 2014, a class action was filed against Ralphs Grocery Co. for allegedly misleadingly labeling its decaffeinated coffee. Specifically, the complaint alleges that the company uses the phrase “without caffeine” on its decaf coffee labels when the decaf coffee actually contains small amounts of caffeine. (Kopallian v. Ralphs Grocery Co. et al., Case No. BC533846, Superior Court for the State of California, Los Angeles County).
UFC’s advertising may make you tap out of this streaming service.
TINA.org finds that this pet company’s health claims are all bark and no bite.
Does this walkie-talkie actually work from anywhere?
Not all free shipping claims are cut from the same cloth.
FDA warns that this pet company’s marketing bites off more than it can chew.